Kids are crazy

I feel like a cartoon character sometimes. Any other parents feel like this?

Life is finally going smooth for once and then bam! The kid goes and does something. Why? Why would you think that was a good idea?

Or something happens to him and I’m over here trying not to laugh but it’s hard! How do you not when they getting into such weird predicaments?

I’ll give some examples from just the last couple of weeks. Shall I?

One instance was at Karate. He is now 6 and has to wear a cup when they spare. He comes out of the bathroom from changing and says, “Momma I’m so glad I didn’t have to wear my cup today!” Now, he does not have a whisper voice so all the parents are hearing this. “Why is that?” “Because I can’t pinch the head with it on!” “Wait what?” I say trying to keep my voice low. “Yeah. Like when I gotta pee.” “Why don’t you just go to the potty?” “Well I can’t when we’re running!” Oh well excuse me. Mommy doesn’t have that appendage. Boy parents, is this normal 😳?

Here’s another: He wanted to know if there was a gray light on the international space station. So we went to YouTube. FYI they stream live you can watch a space walk and such. Anyway, we found out that it does not but does reflect the sun and so you can see it from Earth. We also learned about the loss of weight due to the loss of bone density. He doesn’t miss a beat. Casual as you please, “Daddy maybe you should go to space.” “Oh yeah?” “You’ll lose weight.” 🤣 I choked on my fries needless to say.

At least life is never boring right. What are the teen years going to be like.

Send help and Red Bull!

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